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How does it work?

How does it work?

nuclear parses and validates the command line arguments provided by the user when starting a console application. It then automatically invokes the appropriate action, based on the declared Command-Line Interface rules, injecting all the necessary parameters. You don't need to write the "glue" code to bind & parse the parameters each time. This makes writing console aplications simpler and clearer.

  1. You define CLI rules for your program in a declarative tree using CliBuilder. Rules can bind your functions to be called later.
  2. When running your program in a shell provided with command-line arguments, it starts .run() which does the parsing.
  3. nuclear parses and validates all the parameters, flags, sub-commands, positional arguments, etc., and stores them internally.
  4. nuclear finds the most relevant action (starting from the most specific) and invokes it.
  5. When invoking a function, nuclear injects all its needed parameters based on the previously defined & parsed values.

You just need to bind the keywords with rules and nuclear will take care of the rest for you.