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CLI Demo

from nuclear import CliBuilder

cli = CliBuilder()

def say_hello(name: str, decode: bool = False, repeat: int = 1):
    Say hello
    :param decode: Decode name as base64
    message = f"I'm a {b64decode(name).decode() if decode else name}!"
    print(' '.join([message] * repeat))

@cli.add_command('calculate', 'factorial')
def calculate_factorial(n: int):
    """Calculate factorial"""
    print(reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, range(1, n + 1)))

@cli.add_command('calculate', 'primes')
def calculate_primes(n: int):
    """List prime numbers using Sieve of Eratosthenes"""
    print(sorted(reduce((lambda r, x: r - set(range(x**2, n, x)) if (x in r) else r), range(2, n), set(range(2, n)))))

See for a complete example.


python3 -m pip install --upgrade nuclear

You need Python 3.8 or newer.